Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Snow Day

It's a balmy -12C and snowing. A good day to stay home and knit by the fire. 

My hibiscus decided to cheer me up with a new flower. You can see the snow out the window, behind.

The knitting continues. I finished a pair of fingerless mitts.

So, I started another pair.

The pattern for the top pair is Point Edward Mitts, by Fairlight Fibres. The second pair is Swallowtail Mitts by Cheryl Toy.

I actually did some sewing, inspired by some scrap sorting I've been doing.

A simple zippered pouch, because I wanted to try a different method of inserting the zipper. It is called the Butler Method, and is used in designer Amy Butler's patterns. I'm not convinced that it is better than the method I already use, but it is good to try new things.

On a PA Day last week, my little buddy and I made muffins and practiced fractions.

Here they are on their way into the oven. He declared them delicious. They were raspberry almond, in case you were wondering.

The fire is lite, so I'm off to finish that mitt, and maybe cast on the second one.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Its A Start

 I usually blog on my desktop computer but it decided that it wanted to update, whether I wanted to, or not. So I'll try using my Chromebook Every time I do this, I need to fix the type size and the font, so I can read it.

My plans for blogging weekly have failed already. I am blaming this.

Poor Doug had to have surgery this week. Keeping him quiet has been a two person job. He looks so miserable hugging his new snake. 

I finished my not so matching striped socks.

Oddly, they match at the toe but no where else. 

I started some fingerless Mitts. The first one just needs the thumb cast off.

I've been playing in my sewing room, trying to figure out what scraps to keep and which to toss or donate to the local Kindergarten. After about half an hour of sorting this afternoon, I took a couple of larger scraps and cut them into a good size for a sock project bag. I interfaced them and found a suitable zipper.

The zipper is actually purple, not black. 

Progress is being made on getting my stash sorted and rehoming the stuff I know I'll never use. 

Hopefully, I'll manage to be back here next week, with more progress.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

A New Year and A Look Back

We have entered a new year, a quarter way through the century. 

I am reminded of the New Year's Eve party I attended 25 years ago. The press was all about the Y2K bug. In order to ease people's minds, a lot of big companies paid IT staff overtime to be available to fix any problems that might arise. We were invited to a Y2K party. It was a small gathering, 6 adults and 6 young teens. Three of the adults were being paid to be available to go into their offices, if required. Three of the adults were just there for the fun, along with the teens. It was an old fashioned, low tech party. We had lots of food, mulled unfermented cider, a Y2K cake, board games, sing songs. At midnight, the teens were sent outside to bang pots and shout loudly to welcome the new year. The dark haired man (First Footer) went out the back door, and entered the front door, with a basket of symbols of good luck and prosperity for the coming year. 

Humourously, about 9:30 PM one of the cell phones rang. It seemed the one of the people on overtime at the workplace had plugged in the electric kettle to make tea, and blew the breaker. They were calling to ask where the breaker panel was, because they were sitting in the dark. A problem quickly solved over the phone. 

This year, it was just us. Two people, two cats, and a dog. We broke out the Christmas goodies and watched an old movie.

I also did my tally of creative projects finished this year. 

My proudest achievement was my Celosia Bags. I made the pattern twice, once to figure it out and once to make it in waxed canvas and waterproof nylon.

I am using the bag with the Caticorns as a day bag when I am going out for longer that a couple of hours.

I also set a goal of knitting a pair of socks per month for the year. I didn't quite manage, but I came close.

2024 Finishes


Baby Socks           6
Mittens                  3
Adult Socks           8 1/2
Hats                       4
Shawls                   1
Double Mitts         2

In case you are wondering, this is the half pair of socks.

This sock was finished and the next one started on December 30.


Pouches                          5
Bags                               2
Dog Bandanas              16
Receiving Blankets        2
Pillowcase                      3
Reading Pillow               1

I don't like to make any promises about the future. I'd rather see where my creativity leads me. The last few years have show that life gets in the way of making plans. I will keep blogging, because it keeps me moving forward. 

Happy New Year!


Thursday, December 19, 2024

Preparing and Minor Disasters

I got a funny message from a neighbour the other day: Could I knit or mend? So I replied yes and was told that the dog had been "playing" with her daughter's favourite hat. and they were hoping I could mend it.

This is what they brought me. Mudd offered to help.

The whole top of the hat was gone. To make it harder, the hat had a fleece lining. So, I took some double pointed needles and a crochet hook, and started trying to find the stitches.. Since I didn't want to disturb the fleece lining, I asked my young friend if she would settle for a knot on the top of her hat instead of the (now) sad looking pompom.  With Mudd's help we managed to get it fixed.

I didn't have any green yarn so I used grey instead.

We put up the Christmas tree and added lights.

Yesterday morning, we came down to this.

It is dark in the mornings, but if you click on the picture, you can see that Doug looks concerned. I think somebody jumped out of the tree and got tangled in the lights. She must have gone for a run to get free.

Though she is denying any knowledge of the light incident, we believe this is the suspect.

Now that the postal workers are back to work. I have started making cookies. I may have to make more before I can actually mail care parcels to the west.

These are hermit cookies made with the leftover fruit from the fruit cake.

I did some other knitting.

This is the finished Santa Hat using the pattern from the movie Red One. It is a quick and easy knit. The yarn is Brava from Knit Picks.

I also finished a mugmat that I found in my UFO bin. It has gone to a friend with a mug and hot chocolate bombs.

Last night I started knitting a hat with some gradient yarn, I finished the cast on only to find a knot, and the join was not in sequence. I cut the first piece off and started again, only to find a second splice out of sequence. 

Okay, this isn't going to work. I will find another ball and start again, hopefully with better results.

Tuesday, December 10, 2024

More Knitting

 I just can't seem to stop knitting. I have finished 2 pairs of mitts. in the past week.

I made a quick pair of toddler mitts for a collection of warn hats and mitts for a local Woman's shelter.

These were made from the leftovers from a pair of lady's mitts.

I also finished the double mitts with some soft grey liners. I love the contrast in the size of the two mitts.

After those finishes, I started a winter hat.

It is knit from the pattern that was used to make the Santa Hat for the movie Red One. I know nothing about the movie, but the hat story is in the description on Ravelry. The pattern is currently free.

I know somebody who I think will enjoy the hat.

Meanwhile, I have started my holiday decorating, slowly. It took awhile to find the Advent Candles. I have LED candles, so the cats don't catch fire. After some searching some batteries were also found.

I also made mince tarts, though not from scratch.

Not the tidiest, but they were good. 

With luck, the tree will go up this week. Sometimes, I think by the time it all gets put up it, it's time to take it down.

Monday, November 25, 2024

Twas a Month Before Christmas

And my knitting is progressing.

The outer mittens for the next pair of Double Mitts are finished.

 The first inner mitt is started. 

I did some sewing in the past week. This is a Reading Pillow. I made it with some supplies from my stash. The pillow form was "pouffier" than I expected so I had a bit of a challenge getting the cover on. I imagine it will flatten out before the cover needs washing. You put a book in the pocket. It was given with 2 new books as a birthday gift, and very well received.

My favourite yarn shop had a sale (a rare event) and I ordered some goodies. Since Canada Post is currently on strike, I picked up my order today.

I think I showed great restraint, and I have plans for all of it. I also took the opportunity to step into the bead shop in the same mall to pick up some beads for one planned project.

The colour is called Seafoam and they are turquoise with a gold lining. 

Meanwhile, sometimes you just manage to get a lucky picture. On Saturday mornings, we make a cooked breakfast. This was my table mate last Saturday.

Ever hopeful Emme!

Sunday, November 17, 2024

Time to Start Planning

 I seem to have gotten lost for awhile. First, if I commented on your blog lately, Google has decided that I am now a noreply-comments blogger. I am trying to find a solution but I haven't found one yet. Oddly, it shows my name on my comment but not my email. My email is on my profile so I can be found if you want to reply to me.

Edit: Google posted something about the no reply. Not sure how it will work. We will have to wait and see. 

I have been knitting, and not blogging lately. I have also been doing more things outside the house than I had been doing. Let's look at my best outing of the month.

Engineers in Canada have a ceremony when they finish their course work and become working engineers. At that time, they take their obligation to be moral and ethical in all their activities, and are presented with an Iron Ring by a previously "obligated" engineer. When I got my ring, there were only 4 women in my class. Of course, my ring was presented by a man. I always hoped to present a ring to another woman, and this fall, I did just that. My young friend was my knitting student some years ago, and is about to graduate as a Computer Engineer. We made sure our nail polish coordinated. 

My sewing activities have been restricted to dog bandanas. However, the Northern Lights ones are really cute.

I am starting to plan some Christmas gifts, and I need to get sewing. I was asked for some pillow cases, and I have a purse to finish. I also want to make some new knitting project bags. Add to that the mending that is piling up, I have sewing to do,

My cowl is progressing. It takes a lot of counting. It isn't TV knitting.

I have finished a pair of Double Mitts. They are wool on the outside and alpaca on the inside.

I did a stash dive looking for colourful yarn for the next pair.

I chose the skein at the top of the picture. The colourway is "Vegas, Baby". The liner will be grey.

Mudd found himself an excellent box, just the right size.  I wonder how soon before he finds a new one.