Monday, October 7, 2024

October, Already


It is that time, again. The leaves are starting to change colour. The air has a chill in the mornings. It is the time that knitters know as Woolie Season.

I finished my September socks on the last day of the month.

They are nearly perfectly identical. I am calling them Posh Socks since the colours look like a Burberry scarf.

I had an appointment on Friday at the clinic where I know there will always be a wait. I cast on a mitten the night before, and I finished the cuff while I waited. The wait is much more tolerable when you can knit.

The pair of mitts is now finished.

My goal with the sock knitting was to get the lid closed in my sock yarn bin.

Mission accomplished. I do have a bag of odds and ends that I know I will never use, so I am giving those away. There is still quite a bit of yarn in the bin, but I can see it all now.

I discovered at the bottom of the bin, a lone sock. It doesn't have a mate, and there is no yarn to make a mate. I have no memory of knitting it. I think it must have been very early in my sock knitting journey because it is knit toe up with a darted heel. I nearly always do my socks top down, and I never liked a darted heel. I think it is destined to become a sock puppet.

I feel the pull of sewing again. I saw some interesting fabric awhile ago. It was a custom print, so I've been waiting for it to come. It arrived recently, and I am considering what it should be.

It is "solar punk" fabric. It is one of those fabrics where every time I look at it, I see something else. It is canvas, so it will definitely become a bag (or two or three).

I am about to start my annual sort through my stuff. I always start with good intentions but get waylaid. Maybe I'll get a bit further this time. Wish me luck!