Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Quilt Show Prep

My life has been taken over by preparations for a quilt show. For some reason, that I don't fully understand,  I seem to be in charge of my church's quilt show. I am not the best quilter in the group, but apparently I am a good organizer. And apparently, I'm bossy, so they let me boss everyone around.

We have done this once before. The show was so popular among the church members, that people have been asking us to do it again. Fortunately, I saved my file from the last time, so we aren't having to figure everything out. Last time, we filled the church with quilts (and the corridor and the church hall...) and it looked wonderful.

We included family quilts as well as quilts more recently made. Children brought their baby quilts, made by loving grandmas. We had quilts made by members of the congregation who are no longer with us. It was a celebration of who we are as a church and an extended family.

Saturday, we will do it again. If you are in the Ottawa area, and would like to drop in, we would love to see you!

The Threads that Bind
Quilt Show and Tea
Saturday, November 17, 1-4 PM
33 Leacock Drive,  Ottawa (Kanata) , ON

I will be there all day!


  1. Great picture....I love getting out to the quilt shows

  2. I love this idea. A great community gathering. I'm assuming coffe and squares are involved?

  3. Sure wish I was close by to see this , sounds wonderful!

  4. I sure wish I could be there to support your guild it looks awesome but 4hours or so is just a little far for me to go. I hope you are able to post pictures later. Best of show, veiwers choice, presidents choice and all that. I hope you get lots of visitors

  5. Quilts look lovely draped over pews.

  6. Best of luck, hope everything goes without a hitch.
