Sunday, February 26, 2017

Colour Unboxed

Last week, I decided that I really needed to see the exhibit at the Mississippi Valley Textile Museum, called Colour Unboxed. The show featured the works of the "Out Of The Box Fibre Artists". The show has been on since December and ended on the weekend, and since I had heard really great things about it, I didn't want to miss it.

It was worth the trip. On a grey day, it was a feast for the eyes.

And now, I am wondering how I managed to miss the purple.  I saw them, I just forgot to get a picture.

There were many other wonderful pieces, all beautiful, full of colour. It was definitely worth the trip.

I also went to the annual gathering of animal Foster Volunteers. We were greeted by a lovely cake, made by one of the shelter staff.

 Cats, dogs, bunnies, and I think there was a guinea pig on the cake. Adorable.


  1. What an interesting exhibition - wish I could see it! Yummy looking cake, and beautifully decorated too......I hope you didn't eat any of the animals?

  2. So of course I LOVE how it is organized by color!

  3. Thank you for taking us to the show. Looks like it was a good one. The cake is adorable, but I hope you didn't get the corner with the litter box!

  4. Love the cake! Purple? Just the fact that you shared with us all the other colours, is a gift. Especially when all we have seen for a while now has been white and then some more white, aka: Snow....
