Monday, September 16, 2024

Some Knitting Advice

 I learned to knit when I was about 6. Since my mother didn't knit, I had multiple teachers, and books as my guides. Some things I just had to figure out for myself.

Interestingly, the thing I knit the most is socks and my sock knitting is entirely self taught. I bought a book, then another book, and worked it out from there. My first pair looked a bit odd, and I didn't think anyone would wear them. However, my big kid thought they were perfect and wore them happily. So now I am a sock knitter. 

One thing I was slow to learn, was how to keep track of the notions I use over and over again. I have more than one project bag and they could be in any of them, or some in one and some in another. 

Last year, I made this little Dumpling bag. It sat for awhile, wanting to be useful. Then I realized it was the perfect size for my sock notions.

It easily holds my little scissors, my tape measure, the case with my yarn needles, a little double ended crochet hook, and a bodkin. The case is small enough to fit into my project bag. Now I can quickly finish a sock and cast on the second sock of the pair.

It is currently moving between my sock bag, and my mitten bag. 

This is the start of the September socks.

These are in DK weight sock yarn. They knit up quickly.

This is the current mitten.

And the pair from the last blog are finished.

The needles are flying!

We are enjoying the last truly summer weather. The days are pleasantly warm and the nights are cool. The garden is flourishing.

The bees are really enjoying the sedum.


  1. Your project bag is a good idea. Pretty garden pics....and that fence creeper is a declared noxious weed here, our winters aren't cold enough to slow it down so it grows all year.

  2. I love the pouch. Grandson is in Chilliwack for 5 days, I had to use Google to find where it was and how large the town was. Very pleased to see there will be lots of eating venues. I learnt to sew when I was about 10, and even now use Google or friends to sort out any new patterns or techniques.

  3. Your mittens are beautiful and keeping all the notions together in a bag where you can find them easily is a great idea. Your basket will be overflowing with all the beautiful socks and mittens you have a made for gifts. You are ahead of the game and you can enjoy wrapping them up and putting your feet up to relax, when everyone else will be running around trying to buy or make gifts for Christmas!

  4. Lovely garden pictures and cute little bag for your notions. x
