Tuesday, October 3, 2017

MosaiCanada Part 2

As I said, I have lots of pictures, so here are a few more.

Chinese artists came to work on the project. This is their first piece, the dragon dance. On the left, the border plantings are Swiss Chard.

The Lions were represented, too.

In the centre, you get a sense of how big these sculptures are. There is a man in a bucket, with a hose, watering the arch.

A tribute to Glen Gould, a Canadian classical pianist. The piano was playing a recording by Glen Gould.

Maintenance of the works was an on-going task. Here is a gardener, trimming a buffalo, as the buffalo watches. 

The centre-piece of the whole show was Mother Earth.

I couldn't get her into a single picture. Her hand is raised and water is running off it. I love how the different plants give texture to the piece.

The walk ends with a different kind of piece, horses made from driftwood.

The display was truly wonderful, well worth the discomfort of the 31C weather. It closes this week, as the park is returned to its usual state, ready for ice castles and slides in February. We hope that they will come back another year.


  1. That's brilliant......it would be amazing to see!

  2. A lot of planning and then the maintenance, they are huge, and stunning.

  3. This is just amazing! What a gift to see so much artistry in one place, created with living plants.

  4. Somehow I missed your first post on this--
    This is pretty awesome!!!
