Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Randomly, on a Tuesday!

 I've been having one of those weeks, when nothing really gets finished, but some progress is made.

First, the jungle in the dining room continues.

My grandson cut some forsythia branches for forcing. I will need to cut more for Easter. Free spring flowers!

I was asked the other day how you tell what size a zipper is. For the uninitiated the ones I use are usually #3, #4.5, and #5.

On the back of the zipper slide there is often a number. This is a #3 closed end. (3C)  Didn't you want to know that?

I finished a pair of socks. 

They are even twins. It is my usual vanilla sock with self striping yarn. The leftovers will become baby socks.

A year ago, I bought some "comic book boards" to use as mini bolts for my fabric. I started wrapping my fabric around the boards and it really makes things tidy and easy to find.

There are about 40 pieces of large print and novelty fabrics in this box. The best part is that two rows exactly fit on my IKEA Drona boxes. I have now started on my cool colours. I also ordered another package of boards, since I seem to be running out.

I have some more masks to make, and a binding to sew onto a quilt. I think I need to add a fun project to that list.


  1. You definitely need a fun project. Love your indoor garden! We buy zips by length and style - some are heavier than others.

  2. I love your jungle, it is great to have one which gives you flowers! Those comic book cards are a great way to tidy the fabric. Just like having your own quilt shop in your sewing room.

    1. Interesting about the way the zippers are identified. I never knew that, so thank you for the info! P.S. I love your socks!
