Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Just 20 Minutes

 Many years ago, the lovely Nancy Zeiman was telling us that you can get projects done by working 10, 20, or 30 minutes at a time. You don't need to do a whole project, you can do it in bits. I keep trying, but I do sometimes forget. 

In the past week, I have been trying to work for 20 minutes every day on some sewing.

I made some dog banadanas (8 in total).

This is Canadian Summer fabric, two prints I couldn't find when the fabric first came out, but I recently found on clearance.

I finished my Saturday Bag Sampler for April.

Instead of sewing scraps together for the drawstring, I used some t-shirt yarn I had.

I also did some crafts with my 7 year old craft buddy. We made a bunch of Fabulous Freezer BooBoo Bags. (Also known as Rice Bags). Some went to his house, and some are here for times when one needs a simple cold pack.

I  got some pieces cut out for my next bag.  They just look like navy fabric, so I won't bore you. Not bad for little bits of sewing.

I started my May socks and I am working on them every day. I am to the Muppet stage of the first sock. It is the place where the heel is turned and the gusset is about half finished. A friend brought me a googly eye to pose the sock.

We have had some nice days, so things are starting to look like spring.

This forsythia bush was the first one I bought for this house, It never really bloomed well, so I put a hardier type next to it. It was a surprise this year to see it completely yellow and nearly a month after the hardier bush.

Forget-Me-Nots grow wild in my lawn. If you try to plant them in a specific spot, they will appear somewhere else, the next year.

These Grape Hyacinths are recent additions to our spring bulbs.

There are bright fuchsia tulips are flowering. Spring is often brief here, before the weather turns full summer and hot. It is lovely to enjoy it when I can.


  1. You and your helper make a good team! Love those pretty flowers....and the googly sock.

  2. Cute sock pose! I've never thought of that part of the sock as the "Muppet" stage, but you're right! My forsythia is quiet thus far this year...but then, I live in a very different gardening zone than you do. Now that we've had a dump of rain, I'm hopeful it will wake up and bloom.

  3. So true, just a little each day will make progress! I need to carry out that thought with my knitting instead of waiting for long stretches of time to sit and knit. Thanks for linking up with TGIFF.

  4. Working on a project for 20 minutes every day - that sounds like you should be able to do it.
    I have to say, I'm more of a permanent worker. I allow myself longer breaks and then I like to stay on the project. I also depend on the weather; when it's nice I like to be outside. Your flowers in the garden are beautiful.
    I hope you have fun knitting the socks - I love wool socks :-))) and fun sewing them too.
    It's wonderful to sew in company :-))
    A hug to you.

  5. Love the flowers and all the great projects. Those dog bandanna’s are very cool!
