Saturday, June 1, 2024

Suddenly, June

 May was a month of appointments, gathering supplies for the garden, visiting with friends, and some how, very little sewing. My 20 minute pledge failed. 

I did keep up with my knitting.

The socks for May's self imposed Sock of the Month are finished. The yarn is Regia, designed by Arne and Carlos. Lots of purple and blue. 

There are tiny bits of colour that look like flowers on a vine when the yarn is knitted. such a sweet surprise. This picture shows the colours better.

Another pair of baby socks, knit from the leftovers of the February socks. These are going to a friend for her new grandson.

For Mother's Day we had a tea party. One should get out the Royal Albert cake plate every now and again, even if the desserts are packaged cookies. (The Jaffa cakes were lovely.)

We were running an errand one evening and stepped out to discover that there was a duck on the lawn.

Ms. Mallard was just enjoying the peace and quiet and didn't mind us quietly heading to the car.

We did the annual sun room clean out, and the cats have their conversation nook back.

They seem to enjoy the nice weather in their own chairs.

Hopefully the sewing will get back on track this week.


  1. Contentment in their chairs, and the socks are really pretty.

  2. That is pretty yarn! Kitties look comfortable in their the posh Mother's Day tea.

  3. Very nice socks - Regia have some lovely colourways and that one is a beauty. Cute baby socks. xx

  4. Beautiful socks and a very special visit from a Duck. They are very shy normally.
