Thursday, December 13, 2012

An Ugly Sweater?

A young friend is having an ugly sweater contest in her office. After we determined that my wardrobe doesn't contain anything that could be even vaguely called "ugly", we set about to create something.

I had given her some earrings that were cats, wearing Santa hats, so we thought this would be the idea we would go with. After a morning's work, we showed what we had to the males around here, and they told us that if our mission was ugly, we had failed. It was just too darn cute!

I finished it, and turned it into a little wall hanging, for her cubicle at work. I pulled the backing around to the front to make a faux binding and I am not completely happy with how it came out, but she loves it, so it is off to work.

Not so Ugly Cat
Our second attempt involved some old fabric panel appliques, some Stitch Witchery and some fabric paint, left over from my glitter paint period, when my kids were much smaller. The sweat shirt underneath was in my pile to go to the thrift store and has a coffee stain on it. We figured that it added to the general feel of the piece. Don't you think the colours clash perfectly!

The misalignment of the appliques add to the character, I think.

And Santa Bear is on crooked.

I think she was a little subdued with the paint, but she was quite happy with the results. We will see if it is ugly enough to win a prize on Friday.

Update: The sweater took Third Place in the contest!!! 


  1. lol It's funny that you went to all the work to create something ugly! :)

  2. very cute projects Kate. thank you for you wonderful comment on my feature post....and please, do stop by if you are back this way. Would really enjoy that.

  3. I'm with the guys on this one....all cute, cute, cute!

  4. There used to be such wonderful 'ugly sweaters' available in the shops, alas when daughter finally wants one, there none to be found.
