Wednesday, May 2, 2018

Spring Retreat II

Just in case you fear I am still under ice, I have a flower picture.

This is Hepatica, growing next to my front door.

Back to retreat.

Doreen was making a  landscape quilt called "Hidden Path". Sadly, I missed the pieced border.

Joanne was making a thread catcher.

Maureen was making a flannel quilt in plaids. It was lovely and soft.

Helen was making these lovely little bags with hand applique embellishment.

This is the centre of Judy's 1930"s style quilt.

Kathryn was paper piecing and getting a head start on her Christmas gifts.

Judy kindly sent me a picture of her completed top, that I missed catching a picture.

This is another of Judy's tops that I missed.


  1. The ladies was very productive. Snap, I paper pieced a Christmas tree which looks the same. Love Doreen's Hidden Path.

  2. Hidden Path, a beauty, as are all the others, What a great retreat together.

  3. Much was accomplished at the retreat, it seems! I love Doreen's Hidden Path too.

  4. Thanks for taking us along on your retreat.
