Monday, May 4, 2020

Spring, Maybe?

We had a beautiful weekend. Temperatures were warm enough to sit outside with my coffee.

Suddenly, the forsythia is blooming.

It is covered with golden flowers.

Little surprises are popping up, everywhere. Thanks to the neighbourhood squirrels, there are things in new places from where I thought they were. From top to bottom: hepatica, scilla, and bloodroot. Hepatica and bloodroot are native to this part of Ontario.

I did a little sewing.

A Star Wars bib for Star Wars day, the bib will go to a baby coming soon who has Star Wars fans for parents.

All the lovely sunshine meant knitting outside.

 These socks are now finished.  Somehow, I managed to end up out by one row on the pattern for the foot of the sock, so I used some red left from another pair of Turtlepurl Sock Yarn to knit the toe red, instead of green. Now, the socks will remind the owner of what foot the go on, since they have port and starboard toes. Since their intended owner used to work on a cruise ship, it seemed appropriate.


  1. The coloured toes are so apt for the wearer, anyone not familiar with shipping /marine related terms would miss this.

  2. I looked up the RCN, and what a wonderful badge, and the words, " ready, aye,ready" as translated.I dedicated my blog name to my friend Walter, who was in HMS navy, first as a reserve volunteer then went through the ranks to Lieutenant, and was awarded the DSC in July 1944. The " Mariner's Compass" wall hanging I made for his birthday just before he died was sent to the Felixstowe Maritime Museum.

  3. Love the 'port and starboard' toes! Odd colours would would be a good idea for children learning their left and right, too. Your flowers are lovely - I have never seen Forsythia in real lilfe but would love to, it's such a glorious colour.

  4. Spring is what the whole world need now. With all the promise of new fresh starts. Lots of birdsong outside, green grass, sunshine and happiness. Love the socks and the bib. Squirrels love to do surprise gardening!

  5. These socks make me want to knit socks. I think I have the skills now.
