Friday, January 12, 2024

Lots of Knitting

The weather has been dull and grey, not much sun for days. So, I have spent a lot of time by the fire. I have gotten knitting done, while I enjoy the heat.

Mittens and baby socks, both completed. There is a pair of adult socks that were finished last night, but I haven't taken a picture yet.

Next up is a hat, from this yarn that has been resting in my stash.

These dull days beg for bright colours.

I did some sewing, a sort of squirrel project. I made a sleep mask, as a gift.

The pattern is free from Sew Hungry Hippie. The fabric is a bit of Tula Pink. 

An on-line group was asking about our favourite yarn colour to knit with.  So here is mine.

I have said for awhile that my favourite colour is rainbow. It makes me smile! And yes, I have or have used up all those rainbow yarns, and more.

I have been looking for over a year for a metric rotary cutting ruler that I could buy in Canada. I was pleasantly surprised to find one at an on-line store not very far away,

Bag patterns from Europe and Australia use metric measurements, and sometimes, converting them to Imperial causes problems. I now have my very own. I actually don't have many rulers, but I have gotten to the point where I thought this one was necessary.

I have a question that maybe one of you know the answer. One of my followers can't comment on my blog using her iPad. Since I don't use Apple products, I am no help at all. Can somebody drop a note in the comments, if you use an iPad?

Meanwhile, I will leave you with a picture of our sunrise, on a rare sunny morning.


  1. Rainbow is a great those socks in the top right pic. Can't help with the Apple thing, I'm afraid. Those of us in Australia who grew up under the "old system" and converted to metric measurements as an adult (it started in the very early 1970s here) usually have no problem switching from one to the other in our heads.

  2. Lovely rainbow colours and nice sock and mitt finishes. I have yet to come across a metric patchwork or bag pattern! xx

  3. Those mittens and baby socks look cozy -- waving at you from -33 C (-40 C with wind chill).

  4. You beautifully presented these cute little socks with the mittens... I like them and it put a smile on my face.
    The sleep mask is also great, makes you think of good morning coffee.
    Kind regards to you.
    Have fun knitting.
