Saturday, February 2, 2013

DaGMT -Day 2

A block for my tinners group.

For those that don't know, tinners is kind of like a block swap. You put some fabric in a container (tin) and each month the container is passed to another member of the group. Each member makes a block for you, from the fabric in the "tin", adding some from their stash, as required. My group has 12 members, so at the end of the rotation, we will each have 12 blocks.

This one came out a little busier than I expected...hmmm. Am I overthinking this?


  1. Yes. :) I like it and I'd be happy if it turned up in my tin. (Although I don't have a tin, and, in fact, didn't even know what they were until you explained it.)

  2. I like it too, and I would be very happy to get a tin, with blocks in. Cheers from Jean
